Member Forum

A place for community and conversation.

Welcome to our member forums where you can chat with other independent agents on a variety of subjects. Please be kind and respectful.

Community Rules & Expectations

Forum Rules

  • Keep it friendly.
  • Be courteous and respectful.
  • Refrain from demeaning behaviors and/or speech.
  • Stay on topic. When creating a new discussion, give a clear topic title and put your post in the appropriate category.
  • Share your knowledge. Don’t hold back in sharing your knowledge — it’s likely that someone will find it interesting. However, when you provide information from a source, provide your sources.
  • No spam/advertising/self-promotion. Please do not share unsolicited advertisements for goods and/or services.

How We Moderate

We maintain the rights to remove posts or threads to ensure that material posted in the forums is not potentially harmful. For this reason, we may remove any posts that:

  • contains disrespectful or derogatory remarks about any person
  • contains advice or content that we believe is unhelpful or distressing to others
  • is nonsensical and/or irrelevant
  • is not in focus with the topic of the discussion at hand
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Fortified Member Portal Forum
